Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10 - Reverb10 Prompt - Wisdom

Gave my old laptop in excellent condition to the grandkids of the woman who cleaned my apartment in Atlanta.  Made her life better as she didn't have to sit around in the library after a day of hard work while the kids waited in line to use the computer.  In fact, I centered most of my giving on these four little girls.  Information about Women's History Month and a book from the website - anything to add some education on top of what they get in school.  Another joy, mentoring at Kipp Strive in Atlanta via the Wren's Nest former home, now a house museum, of the gentlemen who wrote the Uncle Remus books.  Met some super people, was happy to learn about a school that does what a school is supposed to do - enrich, educate and enliven.  Loved meeting my 5th grader mentee, Kwesi, and working with him to write the essay about his grandfather which was included in a book published in time for the Decatur Book Fair.  He is a cutie patootie and so bright.  Good decisions both - got me out of my box and out of the house among kids.  Ignited fire in my soul encouraging kids to write.  Loved getting the book reports I assigned.  Being with kids is wondrous, calming, inspiring and joyful.  Noisy, aggravating and exhausting too.  Spend more time with kids in 2011 was a wise decision and is on my to do list for 2011.


Cape Coop said...

This is the best thing I've read on a terrible day. Thank you for sharing good stuff here.

jonathanfigaro said...

That's really nice. You gave away your laptop. I need to do more of these things. This reminds me of a quote I remember.

Someone was asked how do you change the world. He responded, " By doing one kind act every day. That will change the world."

It's great you do nice things. I shows off your ability to care for people besides yourself.

Nice post...I got your link for alist bloggers...I'm new there..Nice website.